Thursday, September 08, 2005

His First Time

On Wednesday..It was my tiring day. My class ended early. And I have to rushed down to Gleneagles Hospital. I was blur and panic..I not tat sure which bus to take and which bus stop i should alight. 2 choices for me..either bus105 or bus106. I took bus106 and I was luckily that i alighted the correct bus stop and I reached there earlier than my family members. My dad have to take a small operation on his back.

Flash back, when i was 17yrs old.. I fall down and I had to take an operation coz I was too playful and injured my left arm. When I reached the hospital yest.. I thought of my past. i was worried for my dad. When he went in to the Operating room, I prayed for my dad. I waited alone outside the operating room and my elder brother accompany my mum and sis to have some snacks coz it will take quite long for the operation. 1 hours later, I started to fall asleep.. I woke up after 10 mins sleep. I kept looking at the window pan to see whether the operation over?!

Wait and wait.. he came out!!! Yeah! I quicly called my brother to go to a ward given by the nurse room859. Well, my dad looked tired..I quickly talk to my dad when he came out..haha! I was happy ma..but i was bad, i disturbed him.

He have to stay for a while in the ward. And doctor came in..he is allow to! And, after "done the hospital document" my family members took a cab go hm. As for me, I quickly take back bus106..haha! to jurong and transfer bus99 to my friend's hse to get ready the scripts for my marketing presentation on friday. Yup.. it was a tiring day for me. And early sat i'm set to leave spore island to malaysia..haha! I will be back on Sunday evening. Take care.

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