Saturday, December 18, 2004

Painful ar..i caused the trouble

last nite.. slp veri late...tis morning still woke up veri early..go down play soccer..wahahaha! Passion for football is like tat de.. meet alot of my friends at the soccer court! As usual, i scored many goals..wahahaha! praize myself again..Lol, onli i gd in sports and toking rubbish..nothing else. I played 6 matches..won all matches..haha! proud lor.. and i played my friend's friend.. Andy and Jia Yu sec schmates..while playing, i defend the ball..and one of the player shoot a veri powerful shot..hit my stomach ar..its so painful at tat time..i insisted not to rest..and continue playing..4get the pain, few mins later..i challenged a high ball..and my teammate mistaken.. wrong timing wif me..and his accidentally KICKED my stomach..oh my god..its hurt, same place somemore.. i lie down on the floor for few seconds.. den raining..i go hm liao! at hm, i sit down do my stuff..i can feel the ache..even nw ar..don dare to tel my mum..but she saw me sit there.. quietly..haha! she found out liao.. play lah, didn't care for my health..and at nite, still have to work.. again, scoop i/c de..busy sia.. leg tired liao, nw my hand oso liao..LOL! my manager juz done the schedule for next week..prepared staffs to work on Christmas.. oh, i will b a scooper again wif my buddy..nw is 2 person scoop i/c liao..will b veri busy at christmas eve oso.. i working 5pm to 12am..haha! celebrating christmas at Swensen's last yr. my workplace closed at 11.30pm.. specially for Chirstmas..(",) I bought a small bag for the exchange of gifts activities at Swensen's..

Joke of the Day...

Sound of the Wild.

A mother was reading a book about animals to her 3 year old daughter.

Mother: "What does the cow say?"
Child: "Moo!"

Mother: "Great! What does the cat say?"
Child: "Meow."

Mother: "Oh, you're so smart! What does the frog say?"
And this wide-eyed little 3 year-old looked up at her mother and in her deepest voice replied, "Bud."

Well..i not staying near RL pri.. my hse is around Jurong East..take care,gd nite.

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