Tuesday, July 26, 2005

1st Treat...

On Saturday, I had decided to meet her after her performance at Kallang Theatre. At about 7.30pm I leave home to Somerset.. to take bus16 to Kallang Road. And her performance ended at about 9.45pm. As I mention b4, I had bought a pink bouquet for her concert on friday.

Flash back, that friday nite she told me she likes Lili flower..well honesty my mind was thinking to buy her a Lili flower after her sat performance.. I tried my luck to go back to that previous florist shop that I purchased the pink bouquet to search whether there is still Lili flower. However, The shop didn't sell. Oh Man! I quickly asked te shop owner "Where is the nearest florist beside here?!" She said behind OG shop[ing centre.

Without any hesitation, I rushed to search for it. I think I reached that "florist" building and I asked the security guard where is the location of the shop. And you know WHAT! All shops had closed.. too late! 8.45pm ..so early shop closed?! I hope I have a bit of luck so that I can buy it. Where can i get the Lili bouquet?! I asked myself.. I didn't give up and time is running up. I have to reach the theatre at 9.45pm but at 9pm, I was still at Somerset..

I ran down to the those small stalls.. I found blue rose BUT it is not real flower..haha! I was thinking to buy blue or Lili bouquest because Sandra like it. Hmm.. I decided to go Taka to give it a try.. run there! Ya, reali was running like a mad dog..haha! I reached a florist shop at Taka 2nd floor.. haha! Oh..I was sooooo happy! I FOUND Lili bouquet! I hope she will be happy too.. I scared she will scold me because I bought 2 bouquet for her in 2days.. I was soooo lucky I able to find Lili.. There are 2 Lili bouquet placed at there.. And of course, I choosen the Best one! haha.. I quickly went to take bus16 to Kalleng Theatre..

On the way there, some part of the road had blocked due to rehersal of NDP. Oh! Jam... Sandra called and we meet at Lavender instead. Well, i waited for pretty long..because she said she might tink of other place to meet.. I had to wait for her call. I was standing alone at the control station.....holding that beauitful Lili bouquet. She called me and to meet at Chinatown instead.. after awhile, she called and decided to meet at ParkMall because she was tired and there is a straight bus back to her house. I was veri anxious to pass her the bouquet. I saw her walking towards me and I quickly hide the bouquet behind me.

She looks happy I guess..haha! She accepted the bouquet. And I accompanied her home. A happy day for me.. luckily, I managed to buy the bouquet and gave it to her. I able to see her smile again.. =)

21 hours with her
On Sunday nite, I spent the whole night fixing her computer.. Thanks to Jimmy help. And the next day, we went out shopping and stuff.. Thanx Sandra for your treat..at Sakae Sushi! 1st time..haha! We had a great time 2gether tis few days.. Treasure it. Study time, sem tests is in next week..Take Care.

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