Friday, February 13, 2009

I hope you don't mind

This year's Valentine I will be alone at home again.. haha! But I sounds like very lonely.. actually Valentine's day can go out with my boyfriends.. =)

I was day dreaming this few days.. What am i thinking?! I'm thinking about last year's 2nd feb.. 超 high!

Arrr...Its my first time I bought a rose in Valentine day to a girl. The feeling is very different from buying a rose for someone's concert performance. I treat Valentine day as a special occasion.

The last time I bought a bouquet of flower for my friend's concert was 4years ago.. that's very long ago! haha..

Side track..

This morning, my camp's squadron organise game's event. I took part in the street soccer game. haha! Forever soccer.. LOL!

It was my first time to be captain of my team. =) 6 teams in 2 leagues, we managed to get into the final but lost 3-1. We came in 2nd of the tourament. We fight hard and I'm happy with the results though we missed quite a lot of chances.

I rushed to school just now after the event to take business law's quiz.

A tiring day.. tomorrow I'm attending my friend's wedding lunch.

I hope you don't mind that I like you.

Take care.

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