Thursday, February 08, 2007

Fish porridge prison break to watch tis time. haha! Rong saved it in my hard disk.. thanks! Hmm.. I got to find the codec to watch it coz I onli can listen to the sound.

Bought a wallet but not for me..LOL! I went to the cold storage building but cant find any wallet shop.. however, to my surprise.. Rong found it. I was blur la.. don't knw wht I'm tinking when i was walking.. it is a black colour wallet.. fierce wallet..LOL! crap.

Yest, I ate fish porridge again for my dinner.. the "fish smell" was smelly.. I ate omost 2 scoops of green tea ice cream + strawberry fruits to "refresh" my mouth. If not.. I will scare off all the customers..haha!

Juz came back from dad's work.. and luckily 2moro is my off day coz I need to help my dad.

Stop here.. have change up..Haagen here i come. hahaha!

Take care

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