Monday, April 11, 2005

Exams period

Well, today is my second paper. (web publishing) The paper was fine but i made some careless mistakes. Hmm.. don't look back, move forward. I have to get ready for my third paper on wednesday, 2pm. (Fundemental Networking). This few days is mugging very hard for my exams, hope can get good results and get chosen for my IS course. Friday my last paper(Operating System). Hit the books in earnest.

She encourage me a lot, giving me the determination to work even harder. Yup, her exams also coming, first paper is on wednesday. Good luck!!! Long time didn't meet up already, I'm looking forward to meet her after exams. Study time right now.(",)

Friday after my last paper have to go work, 5 to! busy day huh..LOL. My soccer friend just contact me that on 5th june, there will be a compeition going on. Long time didn't play soccer liao..LOL! still can asset goals?! (",) take care, gd nite.

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