2day got many tinks to do ar.. presentation, interview on assignment and test for my elective module..ya, busy days ar.. reached home..i faster went to have a nap..too tired liao.. haha!
Last nite, again! didn't slp well.. tinking of her again.. after did my java advance features and revise my test..after did my tinks, areali veri late liao.. when i went to bed,veri tired but still i couldn't slp.. 2day is her ex bf birthday..
Alot of tinks i wanna sae out but don knw hw to express it out.. in the evening, she called me..I veri happy! but i made her angry, she was ver tired, her eyes hurt, coz of the contact lens. I wanna c her wear spects again..haha! veri nice ar, but she don like. Its all my fault, don knw hw to tok..make her angry.. sad sob sob. Seriously viewers knw wht i'm writing anot?! my eng so weak..hard to understand wht i'm writing hor? lucky she didn't view my blog de.. if not she wil laugh at me de..haha!
Juz had my dinner.. suddenly, my dad shouted at me for no reason.. nvemind la, he long time didn't scold me liao.. last time still remember.. I did badly for my exams.. he didn't scolded me .. i felt so guilt.
Love Story part5
Ya, 2day i made her angry.. i scared next time, she don wanna tok to me liao.. haha! end of story?! i wil sure veri sad de la.. found her after 8yrs, den nve treasure her.. juz let her leave me. I got tink of one day, when she left me liao.. I wil not go online like Msn & friendster.. I don wanna fall in love to another gal liao.. No use being a stupid guy, didn't study well and wanna start a relationship.. wht for?! So happy, she wanna to b my friend..i met her on 13 Jan 2005 at Bukit Panjang Plaza. Treasure her nw.. i met her 33 times and send her hm 25 times.. i hope it is a endless loop.. forever?! i WANT! but impossible la.. haha! she wanna get marry at a young age.. reali hope she wil invite me to her wedding dinner.. ya!
On 18 March 2005, she send me a msg..
I'm touched by the msg..
(Bing Jie..hope u r ok and aren't tinknig too much again.. if don get enough rest,later tml security guard chase u out of the library..Hee. Sorry if I caused u distress but believe me, u were never juz a passer-by in my life. U wil always b someone special,someone i startin 2 worry for..I appreciate all tat u have done 4 me n trust me, I won't leave u juz like this, No matter wht the future holds 4 us, i'll remember all tat we had n i'll never forget u..)
this msg i will keep 4ever..
later hope i can tok to her on phone.. hope she not angry liao.. Sandra, let me take gd care of u.. share the happiness 2gether.. when u r happy, i wil b happy.. Treasure u..reali! take care, gd nite.