Monday, April 30, 2007
Time and Family
home and I was the last person to alight. We were chatting when I was in the cab, he decided
to park his taxi at the roadside, my house downstairs and we continued to chat for an hour.
Uncle planned to chat with me and after that he want to go home and rest already because he said he had worked for long hours for the past few days.
I felt very comfortable when I was chatting with him. I shared with him my stories, he gave
me advices and also he told me about his past. What I should do and should not. =)
Maturity is the key word.
Sidetrack Andy told me before, "You no need to wear a big hat if you head is small" (In chinese). Meaning, Something it is impossible for me to achieve it, and perhaps there are other goals for me to achieve. And don't aim so high if I'm not capable to do it. I don't know how to say it in english. Sorry.
Well, I got a letter from NTU. Its not a good news. I got rejected as I have not been
successful in my application. I knew it, other students got GPA 3.5 and above then have the
chance to get it. Well, I'm far below GPA 3.5 to be honest plus I don't have a good CCAs in
poly to help me. Father and cousins told me at least you tried. =) Thanks.
So guys out there, Study HARD in poly. haha! Don't like me.
Jimmy, Andy, Jin Jing and Michelle 's family are going for the graduation day. I didn't tell
my family about the event. That day, Jimmy came to my house to wait for me to change up, he ASKED my mother. Auntie you going to the graduation day?! haha.
For me, the reason is because my brother's graduation day when he was at NP, parents also didn't go. So I treat it as a simple day, just go up the stage and take the cert. I only saw my principal twice so far. haha! Third time on 22nd May. haha finally! crap.
Jin Jing suggest to take photos together in the studio. =) Expensive you know. haha!
Today I went to paul's place there to play soccer with Paul, Hafiz, Ende and his friend. It
was a hot sunny afternoon and we played for a few games only. And when the opponent had
left, We sat down on the street soccer court, Ende and I kept shouting at the neighbourhood.
Hey! Paul is here, anyone want to CHALLENGE us, Scare is it?! haha. Because we were too
bored, Hafiz went out with his girlfriend and left 4 of us.
Elspeth came and her friend just return her basketball. So guess what?! haha! We decided to
walk to the nearest church and it has a "car park basketball court". Quite fun! =)
At work, three customers thought I'm Malay. haha! I'm too tan.
Tomorrow is full shift for me. 3am NOW! That's it.
Take care.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Rainy days
After that, we went to Serangoon to rent our graduation attire. It cost us $76.25 including GST. I looked like a kid when I wore it. haha! It reminds the days when I was in kindergarden. =)
It was a rainy day. Five of us using two umbrella only. And the funny part when we were on the way to Bukit Timah Plaza to play pool, then we wanted to alight to the bus stop that near to the 2 storey Mcdonald (near NP poly). All of us were BLUR! We alighted (Bus 154) at Farrer Road. We felt that we had alight the wrong bus stop.
Because we saw a Mcdonald and we thought it was the place we wanted to go. Oh man! haha.. We walked along the path back to the bus stop. Rain pouring heavily but I think it was quite fun. =) Ok, I'm weird. I kept laughing at andy because his pant wanted to drop off.

I went to Clementi to buy 2 cups of Chocolate blended bubble tea for Hazel and Elspeth before I went to work. They requested. haha! And I didn't get to try it. The drink nice a not?
I was late for work. I called Timothy that I will be there by 8pm but 8.30pm then I reached. Sorry. I met two new staff. Both of them are friendly. Cool!
Today, I went to East Coast with Jimmy and his colleagues. As usual, I cycled to the end and I had fun with Jimmy's colleagues. One of them don't really know how to speak Cantonese and she kept saying the same old words. Very funny, she is very good in telling jokes too. haha!
Thanks to Jimmy for asking me along for today's event. I love beach, furthermore luckily when we reached there, the rain had stopped. =) Just $5 to rent bicycle and get a FREE bottle of drink.
Beancurd's Ice cream cone is nice! Just $1.20. =)
I going out now for a jog. Plus I can train some sits up, pull up etc. Army coming soon.
Take care.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Back home
My sister had discharged from hospital this afternoon.
Last night, staff nurse told me that I cannot stay inside in the ward to accompany her when she was sleeping. I can only sit outside, near the lift lobby. On and Off I went in to see her. And I chatted with the nurse. haha! They thought my sister is my girlfriend.
Thanks to Elspeth, I chatted with her on the phone for a while and also, I disturbed Rong (sms) in the middle of the night. haha! Well at 3am, my sister was sleeping and I went to 7 Eleven "hunt" for food. haha!
6am, I feel like eating White Chocolate. haha! So I went down to 7 Eleven again to buy it.
Jimmy went to visit my sister and andy's mother. We decided to pay a visit to andy's mother at the next block. Yes! She also discharged today. =)
Good news, Jimmy changed his mind and he decided to take part the Imagine Cup! The microsoft IT project competiton. Best of luck!
Tomorrow afternoon, I got to meet up with my polymates to collect the graduation attire. The place is so far, it is located at Serangoon. Friday night, it time for me to work. =)
Take care.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Stay calm, everything will be alright
Yesterday after the soccer games with my haagen's colleagues, I was on the way home. My mum called me. Sister was admitted to hospital. It was a shocking news. I quickly take a bath and took a cab to look for her. And of course, I have no mood to join Jimmy and Andy for supper and watch Man Utd Champion League game. Sorry about it. You guys understand me well. Thanks! And I heard Man Utd Won!
Congrats to Andy, he got his driving licence. Cool! =)
I stayed with my sister for the whole night. I drank 1 cup of Coffee and Tea. Not bad, I'm still awake now but a bit giddy. Anyway, I came online just to check emails and I feel like blogging.
That's why, I'm here. haha! crap.
I walked around the hospital and I chatted with my mother for a while. I told her about my haagen's friends. She gave meaningful advice. =) Father, working. Brother, army guy cannot anyhow take off day. Mother, high blood pressure have to rest more. Right now, its my job because I'm just only waiting for my army enlistment.
I kept waiting for the time to pass 10am. And I called Timothy to cancel my schedule for thursday, full shift. Perhaps cancel friday's schedule, not confirm yet.
Alright, stop here. Later I have to accompany my sister for the whole night. I'm her part-time FREE bodyguard. haha! She said she wants magazine, I got to buy for her later.
The time is 4.30pm. By 7pm I MUST wake up.
Take care.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Hopefully, I can find some time to chill out with my friends. KJ and Shao Lu! When is our pool session? haha.
I guessed Keith and Dave will be busy with their stuff. That's good! Keith has a girlfriend. So every wednesday cannot meet up with me already. haha! kidding. He kept it low profile but I still announced it on my blog. =) A good news. Happy for both of them. Next time if all of us go watch movie like Spiderman 3, I have to buy my own drink! Cannot share it together. haha! crap.
This morning, I skipped the soccer games with my fellow soccermates. Sorry to William and friends. Because I got to go SGH with my polymates to pay a visit to Andy's mum. She is sick and hopefully she recover soon. =) Everything is fine just that she need to have some observation before she can discharge.
We spent the whole afternoon with auntie. We update her what we are doing recently and of course we tell jokes to her. haha! After that, I went to work. Luckily, the rain stopped when I was on the way to Holland Village.
I think he was Pete Sampras!! He sat at table 10. hahaha! I was just dreaming. The man who is a former World No. 1 tennis player from the United States!
The customer's face about 90 percents looked like Pete Sampras. And Annabel said the guy is her boyfriend. hahaha!
I stayed in the outlet till 11.20pm to help out for a while more. It was not really busy but again it was like only 5 people running the whole outlet.
Keith called me after work. He said! Brother, my wireless connection cannot work well. The wireless adapter I bought for him few months ago was spoiled. I went to his place after work. And I waited for him at the playground for almost half an hour. He went to eat supper with his girlfriend. I cannot blame him. And eventually I fall alseep. haha!
Luckily, he used his brother's computer wireless adapter and his brother use a wired cable. Yes, it works! Network Connection --> Signal Strength 100%. =)
Oh I got a deal with Ende, we are revising our english in the nearest library soon. Hit the books in earnest.
Take care.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Congratulation to Brandon & Ping Ping.
I was very nervous when I reached the church. I don't know why! haha. I wait anxiously for the wedding mass to begin. It was a very special day for them. And it was a lifetime experience for me to see the grand wedding ceremony.
Take care.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Hide one's feelings
Andy called me! He got his enlistment letter, June 14! So fast. Time is not waiting for us. We shall meet up more.
Dad and sister fall sick at the same time and brother asked me to stay at home. However, I was working full shift on tuesday.
I didn't accompanied my family.
I didn't go BEN & JERRY's to take free scoop of ice cream.
I didn't even know Man Utd won the match until Riduan told me just now. -.-'''
I wore the same haagen's shirt for the whole day, can you imagine how dirty and smelly it is?!
Uncle David told me a lot of interesting stories when I was on the cab home.
I just found out Holland Village food centre some stalls uncles and aunties are my mother's friend. Her childhood friends. haha! Can I have discount?
Today, I went to cut my hair, I felt so cooling! haha. And I went to pay for my 'O' level english fee before I went to work.
My body temperature was high today. Its time for me to drink plenty of water during work. I promised christopher that I will join him to meet up with the haagen's colleagues after my work.
I went to dhoby ghaut to look for them after work. Rennie treated us Fish & Co! the place near a LOVE design. Well, I had a little only because I just had my dinner. Anyway, thanks a lot!
After that we went to watch movie at The Cathey! My first time watch movie at there. haha! We watched Shooter. It was a nice show. I rated four stars out of five. It is more like action movie.
They are (Chris, Rennie, Riduan, Lok Ping, Qiu Li, Ina, Hafiz, Nooraini, sharon and Hazel).
By the way, Gelare accepted my interview. Anyone want to join me? Well, I still don't know! Thanks to chris.
Oh yes, Rong Rong's sister wedding is coming! I love Wedding's songs! Romantic...
Take care.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The next phase
Then when we reached there, we had to seat at the grandstand(AISL BX section). Minutes later, I saw my dear friend Dave, and his platoon march into the parade square.

Donning session!

On saturday.
Brother asked me that whether I want to follow him to NUS cultural centre. I THOUGHT Wei Qi (his childhood friend) had some cultural events held at there. When I was in the cab, I asked him why we need to formal?! hahaha! He made me confused. Well, It was her graduation day.

Wow! finally I experienced the grand ceremony when the professor gave the awards. And I'm waiting for my brother to graduate! hahaha. I wish I can be like them too. =) Work harder.
After the graduation ceremony, I went to Jurong Entertainment with my brother. My brother want to "challenge" pool! He is very professional but I'm not scared. haha! It was quite weird when only two guys wearing formal played pool. We played 10 games. And it was a draw game, each of us won 5 games. Interesting! I want to play again haha! It has been a long time my brother and I didn't went out together. We had a great chat. =)
Take care.
Friday, April 13, 2007
After all I hold the responsibility
I always treat soccer as a beautiful game. However, it is quite a dangerous sports. At first, we played well and everything was fine.
Minutes later, I got tackled on my left leg by the opponent and I lost my temper.
I shouted at him "Hey! you are not playing football".
As in come on, it was just a game after all.
But after that match, I apologised for my behaviour. It was my fault that I shouted at him.
Yes, everyone played very rough. It was like die die cannot let the opponent score goals. An incident happened again, it was a brawl. Luckily, everyone stopped them. Furthermore, most of them are my working colleagues. We should be enjoying the game.
The rain began to pour down heavily at about 3.30pm. I decided to take a rest at paul's house before I went to hospital to take my medical report. Haifz played "Right here waiting" using guitar. That is a great song. =)
After I read the medical report, I was quite depressed but what to do?! I'm not a doctor. And I cannot blame anyone. I caused the injury and I hold the full responsibility. Dad is surely unhappy because he didn't talk to me at all this few days. =(
I often pray for no injuries before I start to play soccer. However, accident can happen at anytime during the game. haha! I don't know what I'm talking about?! It is like bad luck or fated to be.
Just treat football as "leisure", I will be very happy for sure because I cannot injured my left arm again. Suddenly, I missed my soccer boots! It stayed at Jalan Basar now hahaha! Dave's house.
And I was working night shift, only five staff. But no complaints because it was not a busy day. Nadira and Nooraini want to do inside plus take away. And I worked outside (al fresco).
Rong, Paul and Joseph came to haagen because the night was still young. =) I decided to think of weird ideas to entertain them. Scoop Divine plus do a glass of Ice Mocha for them to share.
At first I didn't know they had went into the outlet. I was shocked when Joseph called me. He said, he got problem with his computer?! I answered his call when I was going to take orders for outside tables then later I walked in I saw HIM sat at
table 16 with Rong and Paul. -.-'''
I did inventory alone for the first time. Of course, I cannot do it well. Thanks to hafiz, he helped me to check my calculation.
On thursday
I got to play TENNIS!!! 12 april 2007 hahaha! first time playing in a tennis court. Thanks to paul for lending me your racket. =) I had a great fun even though it was an hour game. We played doubles all the way. Diana and Rong & Paul and Me.
We "camp" at Diana's house for the whole afternoon. I watched them play PlayStation and my itchy hand go and disturb Diana's computer. Sorry about it, I didn't really ask for your permission before I start defragment your hard drive. I'm trying to act smart. hahaha!
Also, we played "thaiti". We played quite a number of games. We just wanted to kill time and wait to go for work.
At workplace, Ende taught Rong and I to play a game using ice cream. =) Cool! The rule is who can scoop the ice cream and weight it, whoever ice cream's got the nearest or same weight requested WINs!
Challenging game!!! isn't it?!
Side track, it was Shu Yi's 22nd birthday. I didn't get to meet up with her for the past 3 years. Hope she is doing fine. =)
Time flew past with an amazing speed, Today! friday, Dave invite me to his army camp. And I will get to see the latest Army tanks in singapore. Oh yes! He will be promoted. Congrats!
Take care.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Let's say something
I was late to meet my polymates for dinner because I overslept (Didn't set alarm). 30mins late, sorry guys.
We were at Vivo City, we dine in at noodles hub (Next to Sakae Sushi). The food was nice!
The outing was mainly to chill out with Jasleen, my final year project's mate. It has been a long time since we last met. After the dinner, they plan to go Sentosa! What can we do in the night at Sentosa?! haha! We took Monorail, 3 dollars per ticket (Vaild for the whole day, to and fro).
I told them "I want to eat ice cream" haha!. And I bought 6 Cones of ice cream for everyone at 7 eleven, I bought the cheapest among all. We walked along the beach and took some photos. I guessed without the camera flash, we were all Man In Black. haha! I shall post some photos soon.
Jasleen went home first, five of us decided to stay at Jurong East Mcdonald's. I taught them how to play Black Magic and bang bang bang's games. haha! I had a great night outing with them. Cool!
Jimmy's idea got selected! Out of 1000 contestent, only 16 groups was chosen to take part for the Microsoft Image Cup and representing Singapore. However, it was a sad news that his teammates and him were busy with their work. They decided to quit it. =( If not, on Saturday's we can see Mr Jimmy on Live TV broadcast. haha!
On Saturday, Rong, Joseph and I accompained Paul to buy his tennis racket and shoes. Well, he got his tennis racket at Queenway Shopping Centre. We continued to search for his shoes at Wheelock Place but all doesn't suit him.
Rong went off to meet her friends after a while. And the three guys decided to go for window shopping. And I saw Chai Fang working as a promoter at Ipod shop. The escalator curve design at Wheelock Place is cool!
The two guys accompanied me to take bus105. Because it is the only bus to IMM.
I reached there early to meet my mother and sister. We decided to walk in to the restaurant to take orders before my father and brother reached. It was my father's Birthday, we can have an enjoyable dinner together.
BUT! I was quite pissed off with their way of doing hosting.
She said, all of your family members reached then we can offer you the table.
I told her, Oh! my father is coming soon. Can you kindly let us take a seat and I will take the order immediately once we sat down. Save everyone's time. On top of that we were first in queue and they shouldn't give our seats to others.
What's your comments?
However they did some service's recovery, 10% discount plus desserts served after the main course.
After the dinner, my father fetched me to work. I worked for just 2 hours, the peak hours 9 to 11pm. Well well well, it was not busy at all. And I decided to go home at 11pm because Dave and Keith going to meet me. Elspeth and Shin Min worked almost the whole week, a tiring day for them. Rong was kind, she intended to go back outlet to help do closing. We were all lucky because there was no crowd.
Take care.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Look on the bright side of your life
Well, my dad Chinese's birthday is coming soon! I always buy either pen or wallet for him. Yes, you are right. He has a boring son, cannot think of what to buy for him.
Let me think what I did today. I went to paul's house this afternoon. Thanks a lot to his morning's message. It woke me up! He said, can you come my house at 1.30pm?
And I couldn't get back to sleep after it. I woke up to prepare those IT stuff like portable hard disk and cds (virus scan, softwares). By the way, I went to disturb Jimmy two days ago because I went his house to take his window's system disk. Thanks! your cd worked well. =)
I sat in front of paul's computer for 2 hours plus. Weather was humid and hot, I was thirsty but lazy to take out my water bottle from my bag. Thanks to paul, he gave me grapes to eat.
Joke of the day..
I asked paul, "the grapes contains seeds?" (I asked because I like grapes without seeds)
"Yes, this kind of grapes has seeds in it but sometimes I don't care about it; I just swallow it TOGETHER with the seeds" he replied.
My first impression was -.-''' (seeds is unable to digest in our stomach)
Side track, when I was reformatting his computer, NUH's medical office called me. They said I can retrieve my medical report for my left arm anytime from now. (Office hour)
Paul went to sleep after reading Straits Times and entertained me for a while. I was quite worried that his computer cannot work well again, furthermore his dad came in quite a number of times to take a look. I just answered, "Hmm.. doing fine." haha!
Joseph came to look for us at about 4.30pm because he was eager to play soccer! Wish to score goals. Yes indeed, he scored a couple of goals during the games. We played 3 matches only. And I got to rush to workplace to wash up. Not to forget, Elspeth met us at the street soccer court.
I think today was Rong's friendship day. Almost all teens who dine in haagen are her friends. =) Cool! friendship is very important. Yes, just a fish burger will not cost too much for me. Perhaps you can treat it as a small token from me. And yes, today's work was lively.
Chiamster message me yesterday, she said she failing her gp. haha! I guessed she was just kidding. She told me to work hard for english together. haha! Please, my english is don't know how many times poorer than you. Different frequency.. but anyway thanks! you can sure do it well for english.
Suddenly, I am keen to learn hair cutting. From Kelvin's information, I able to take up part time hairstylist course for one year. Deep in thoughts, I still don't know what I'm good at it. Searching what is my capability. But I only know that I'm a practical person.
Bessie told me Benjamin, this name suits me. hahahaha! I think I can be the next David Gan, Benjamin Hong! The new hairstylist..Just kiddng. I still want to set up cafe. hahaha!
Happy Good Friday!
Take care.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Wht's tat feeling?
Lunch was at Sushi-Tei.. my 1st time again! LOL.. glad to have them (Rong, Leslie, Elspeth, Paul, Diana) around, lots of fun!
And I gradded few photos from Leslie's blog.. haha! memories. thanks!
Sushi-Tei was nice.. it is an expensive jap restaurant. Err.. but I not reali full.. I will onli go Sakae Sushi eat like crazy guy.. LOL! cheaper la. After tat, we went walk walk, play some arcade games.. =) Diana won the 1st round, Rong won the 2nd round. Elspeth took my fav yellow car! haha.. I took blue..
On the way to Holland.. Leslie and I alighted at Outram.. I accompanied him to hospital to pay a visit to his grandma.. Life is precious, tis is all i can sae. I last min buy some fruits for the visit.. paiseh ar..
Last nite, so called.. our last tag team in haagen. 2moro.. Leslie goin to start his new job. I will sure miss the days we worked 2gether.. the past 4yrs plus. Thanks alot. Anyway.. I guessed sun he working rite.. cool! but don tired urself.. arr, sound veri gay! haha..
Dave came back tis morning.. He is still the same after 3 weeks of training. =) And.. while waiting for him to arrive.. Keith, Dave's gf (Rain) and I ate supper at Burger King.. Rain wanna eat 2 BURGERS! haha.. coz she didn't have anytink for her dinner. ah yo yo.. but she asked me to order 1 meal onli.
Thanks for the souvenir, Dave! hahaha.. well, I bought some stuff for him when I was at malaysia too.. if he didn't buy anytink for me.. I will not give him the souvenir de.. LOL! kidding.
Juz nw.. woke up at 9am plus.. for NUH check up, veri sian.. I hate goin back for check up, haiz long story. Tired tired.. came back hm, and slept for 3hrs in the afternoon.. waiting for dinner nw. haha.. lazy guy la, eat.. sleep.. den eat again..
Oh ya.. I had registered tis yr's 'O' level eng.. my 4th time. Friends often asked me not to use short-form.. use correct vocabs for tis blog's post. I guessed u guys oways have hard time reading my entries, wanna vomit liao rite?!.. grammar mistakes and more. haha! sorry.. =(
I shall not tink too much.. mission impossible, the sinking feeling..
Take care.