Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
Bought GOAL II movie.. prefer VCD because it is cheaper.
Met Jimmy and Andy in the evening for dinner at Marina Square and both of them introduce 2 songs to me. After dinner, Andy went to meet his secondary school's buddies.
1973 by James Blunt and Built To Last by Melee.
At night, Ah Yun aka Cloud brought us (Jin Jing, Jimmy and Leslie) to play pool and supper. An enjoyable outing as it has been a long time I didn't meet up with Leslie, sounds gay right! LOL!
Ah Yun sent us back home. And I guessed Ah Yun was very happy because he managed to count down Christmas in the car with Jin Jing. I quickly got down at nearest bus stop before 12am haha! Ah Yun, you must thanks me ok. LOL!
Goal II movie accompanied me through the night. =)
Merry Christmas to you. May your wishes come true!
Later 8pm I got to report to camp. 3 continuous duties starts today. Wish me good luck!
AND 31 December I got duty, counting down at my workplace. haha!
Take care.
Friday, December 21, 2007
U've got e skills man. THE skills.
Yan Wen, Andy, Jimmy and I met up for supper at 'prata' place at block 326, Jurong East. Go try, 24hours open!
Before I met them, I went to Jurong Point, Swensen's to buy ice cream. I saw my fellow friends, juniors have become supervisors and running the 'show' themselves. Yes! two years had past, many changes. I said a hi to Lau pan, the chef. haha! He is still the same, always say very busy. And I bought a 1litre tube for yan wen too. Hope you like it, don't know you still like cookies and cream a not. haha!
Yesterday was my day off, public holiday. All of us, polymates went down to town to buy a wedding gift for jasleen. After 5 hours for shopping, we finally chose a couple's cups for them.
Their ROM will be on 28 Dec 2007. =)
When a man loves a woman, When a woman loves a man.
It says Respect, Understanding, Forgive, Care, Share, Loyal and etc..
Many bad things happened in my workplace, I can only say endure, 忍耐.
3 continuous duties starting from Christmas Day. You think I want to have infection on my left hand finger?! People wants to have many MCs, I had 5 days MCs recently but I'm not happy. The problem comes when I had recovered. Randomly give me duties. =( Thanks to Tay, Michael and Louis but I guessed they will not read my blog. haha! Each of them helped me to cover my duty before.
Happy to have friends around, cheering me up! Especially Ke Jin, one of my soccer mates. Friendster's comment sometimes really brighten my days when friends wrote to me.
it's ok. i just hope u undst we'll always be there for u. U know what i mean? yeah. u need to take care yeah? don't get too depressed. U've got e skills man. THE skills.
haha! I don't really know what he mean, if he talk about soccer! thanks for your commitment, I'm proud of my soccer skills. LOL! kidding. Or he talk about other stuff?
Take care.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Time machine
Yesterday, I was at dog platoon 24 hours duty at the office. I went to sleep at about 12.30am and had to wake up at 5.30am to do area cleaning.
Guess what yesterday night a stunned call, at 1am my master 2nd Ic called to spot check me BUT I took very long to answer the call. I cannot even listen to the phone call though the phone was quite near to me. And I still call myself light sleeper.. haha! like real.
Of course, I got scolded for picking up the phone too late. I just don't know why I will never able to do 100%. No wonder my studies sucks, in army I also sucks! Being a dog handler, you must not only know how to train a guard dog but also how to cover your own ass. Its ok, as long I never do anything wrong, I will not feel sorry for myself. I'm too tired.. Just this scolding had spoilt my day. I don't want to get 'mark' by anybody. Hope monday morning when I report to camp, the master will not bring out this topic. If so, I will give him my 10mins and listen to his scolding. I want to be low profile.
Sorry guys, I cannot make it to meet up with you all. I spent my whole sunday afternoon sleeping like a pig! haha. And I even missed the time to eat my medicine. Why whenever I saw my bed, I became very tired. hahahaha!
Take care.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Super happy
I'm just simply super happy. haha! Ok, cool down Bing Jie.
5 years later, the world will... Ok, if really happen I got to treasure the people around me. She may go to Canada. Hmmmmm..... ya right, as if I can change her decision.
My mouth always come out rubbish words, What am I trying to say? "huh" all the way..Its ok, too late. Please 22 years old guy, make some sense and show maturity in you.
5 days MC, the only day '13 December' was the best. No need to eat pain killer lo.. hahaha! Thanks! (",)
Don't think too much, Saturday I have get back to work.
Happy tuitioning..
Take care.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Singing the song...
Congrats Singapore, Soccer team went into Semi Final.
When I saw singapore got gold medal, I will sing the national atheme. So you know I respect the country a lot. haha!
This morning, A tinge of pain on my left hand ring finger again. I reported sick in the camp. It was my first I reporting sick in the camp. I was very blur, don't know what is going on. Fever was due to the infection of my finger.
After a hour of waiting, I was told to go A&E at NUH. The doctor and nurse are nice people.
Got a small operation, and MC till friday! I'm rotting at home. I will miss Antis, this few days didn't bring him for a walk and I think it will become fatter. haha!
Actually in the dog platoon, I cannot always take MC easily if not I will be "mark" by my IC. People have to cover my duties.
IPPT test will be postponed to 27 December.
Year 2007

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Darkness to light
Oh, yesterday was gladys's 21st birthday, 4th Dec. Happy Belated!
Then, tomorrow is Hendri's 22nd birthday..haha! 6th Dec. It is a happening birthdays week.
Take note: If you got any cut in your finger, PLEASE apply medication as soon as possible. I thought it was just a knock by a door or something. But now one of my left hand's finger looked like a reddish "hot dog" haha! finger is infected, might be insect's bite. Doctor said next week if still not ok... operation needed to take off those dead cells. Why after another incident happened again?! Careless.
13th Dec, it will be an orientation driving test to drive dog van. Hope everything goes fine.
I hope the next posting will be the good news.
Take care.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
SPIN! like no tomorrow
Just now, I went to medical check up for my neck. There was quite an obvious lump on the left side, and surprisingly there another lump on the right. -.-'''
The doctor applied medication on my nose and numb my nose and throat. Minutes later, I was nervous when I saw a long tube (to see how's the lump look like) was on the doctor's hand. It got to go all the way in from my nose.
While I was waiting report to come out, my teeth was numb too! Thanks to my sister, she bought Hot Milo for me. Relax relax.. she said. haha!
Yes, I had escaped an operation. =) The lump was not harmful to my body BUT still it was so called "extra" in my body. haha! i'm very different from other people. Well, I still have to go back 3 months later for following up.
7 December, free movie ticket from my camp because of anniversary celebration. =)
At Vivo City, the heartbreak kid.
13 December,IPPT test. If I passed I can jump straight to Corporal rank early next year, I'm still a private now.
Raining days, I have to rest inside the grooming area with Antis. Please treasure your bed! haha.
Look more refresh now after my hair is no more like "cabbage".
Take care.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
By the way, it was my idea to watch the movie. Err its all about fairy tales and romance. A nice show indeed. Two guys in the cinema and most of them are primary school's kids. hahaha!
Its a fun outing, long time didn't play Daytona, some race game at West Mall's Arcade. The place was not noisy BUT very cold! LOL.
After that we went to meet Andy and Jimmy's friend at jurong point for a dinner. Highly recommended Grilled Chicken Chop super nice! at an open dine in just below Fish & Co (I forgot what the place called). And of course, I get to try Jimmy and andy's PSP games. =)
Finally I got the song So Close from the Enchanted movie. Cool!
Take care.
After 28 Nov, I will know whether I need to go for an operation. If it is a must, I unable to speak for a couple of weeks! Is that so serious? =(
Many MCs awaiting for me...
Take care.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Last saturday's outing

Thursday, November 15, 2007
I slept at 2pm and woke up 12am plus.
I missed having Mcdonald Breakfast! I don't have a chance.
Oh by the way, my duty dog (Antis) had tail wound. The injury was quite bad and Antis almost snap me when I applied medication on the wound. Luckily, he was muzzled. Poor thing, he is going to send for treatment soon.
The secret admirer... 我不配
Friday, November 09, 2007
The unexpected
The unexpected news...
There is a small lump on the left side of my neck. -.-'''
I just went to polyclinic, I got a MC but I have to eat antibiotic for "don't know" what reason.
Coming weeks, check up at SGH. I hope everything will be fine.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
I don't see sunshine
Daytime, I was sleeping. I worked in the night. It reminds me when I worked at haagen.
Last week, I had my english 'O' Level examination. Composition was "Someone who failed to live up his/her reputation".
When I reached home from exam, I found out that actually I wrote OUT OF POINT for my composition.
I wrote a person, who was a good friend of mine in my class. And he was a bad student, late for school, not attentive in class etc. And he became from bad to worst.
I heard from friends, this story should write about a person who is famous and in the end failed to achieve what he/she wants. And why I don't just wrote about heroes.
That's it! I think my english gone again.
Tomorrow is Jeremy's birthday.
Hafiz (9th Nov) and Jin Jing (12th Nov) birthday are coming too.
Friends out there, I guessed I will be busy with my army life and studies. Hope all of you are happy in whatever you're doing now. =)
I will look at your blog. Keep update.
Don’t let opportunities past you by.
Take care.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
22nd Birthday
22 years old!! Time flew with amazing speed.
On last saturday, I went to andy's house. Thanks to his mum, she prepared some food for us like mee goreng fried chicken wings. We (jimmy, leslie, andy, michelle, jin jing and shin miin) were chatting and watching Ch8 movie.
Andy's mum said, take the cake out. hahaha! I was surprised that they bought a cake.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
They control the game
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Out of time
Resident Evil was nice! Watch it..
Take care.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Night out
I can only stay out for a while till 10pm, feel bored and decided to blog. haha!
Good news
Andy was here with me this afternoon, yes surprised! Guessed we can have lunch together one the days. =) Well, it will be great if jimmy joined us too. haha! Right jimmy?
I unable to catch Man Utd vs Roma match, No SCV, cannot go any coffee shop to watch. But I was delighted that they won again! Got once I remembered was 7 0!
Alright got to go, 10pm report.
One quote, touched your heart and tell yourself do care for them. Our best friends.
To you, He's a dog
To him, You're everything
Respect Dog Wing.
Take care.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Back for a moment
When I shout out the names, this people will be going for "basic DOG handling course".
I acknowledged.
Take care.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Take a chance
Jimmy, Andy and I first plan is to go to our usual place (Bugis) when we are free. We went to bugis temple to pray, we had completed our BMT and waiting for our new posting. =)
Three of us went to market to enjoy delicious "hawker food". And we were planning where is our next stop? haha!
Suddenly, we talked about CAR! hot topic. The idea was since we got nothing to do and I decided to rent a car to go around Singapore. OK ON! I called the Car's rent agency and on the spot I can get a car with Semi-auto transmission, Fiat Plunto (same model as the one I rent few months back). We got to pick up the car at turf city (Bukit Timah). Three guys wanted girls to follow us! haha! We wanted to call Chiamster out but she is preparing for her examinations.
Yes! at 6pm all admin stuff was done and we were all ready to start our singapore tour. haha! Top up fuel at the nearest petrol station.
1) Beach Road
We went to Beach Road to hunt for some army stuff.
2) Bukit Timah Plaza
We headed back to bukit timah for dinner and some pool games. haha! Its quite lame, we travelled all the way to Lavender for 15 minutes and drove back bukit timah.
3) Geylang
It was already 10pm, we stopped at geylang and we wanted to try some food there BUT we decided to "escape" to other places. haha! you know why? Those people became "high" when they saw andy and jimmy! come come.. for some massage session in chinese. LOL!
4) Kallang Way
I brought them to "the Oasis" for supper, taiwan porridge. Superb! We took some photos after our meal at the car park. Of course test drive at the car park .. =)

6) East Coast Park
It was 5.15am, we reached East Coast. What the hell! three guys wait for sunrise?! haha. Both of them complaint to me. You should call a girl to come not guys! haha.
Monday, September 17, 2007
It was yesterday
A relaxing outing at Seoul Garden Msquare (Choose buffet din-in because army guys eat alot!). Jin Jing and Michelle didn't join us for photo taking. LOL! And too bad we didn't meet up with Asath after our lunch, guessed he was busy with his stuff.
Stay strong guys, good luck for your new posting!
Take care.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Counting the stars
Few weeks ago, I had planned what I want to do during this block leave but I'm too silly to organise.
At least some of my plan succeeded! nine of my army friends came down my place here for soccer action! Met my pri sch's friend to talk craps, sec sch friends after 5 years we met up again for basketball games =) , ex colleagues for chit chat section and shopping trip.
Oh yes, thanks paul for introduce me Diary Queen's ice cream.
Bad flu and cough continues but still! I will never stop hunting for ice cream. LOL!
Well, next tuesday most likely I will spend my whole day at sentosa. My platoon mates are looking forward for "sun tan" gathering. haha!
I guessed everyone know i'm the oldest in my platoon. So the young ones asked me for guidance.
Many buddies asked me, how to define Best man? haha. Or BMW = Best man win. When we had nothing better to do, we will come out funny topics to chat.
4 types of people I met, he may/may not be a bad guy.
1) drink and smoke
2) drink and smoke (social)
3) smoke but don't drink
4) drink but don't smoke
I'm the fourth type of guy. haha! BUT I took a puff before.
Take care.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Give it a try
I asked them an IQ question during mass conversation.
The image shown below is to help me to explain.
Firstly, there are three bulbs at second floor.
Secondly, there are three switches at first floor.
Each switch is linked to one of the bulb.
But we don't know which switch (A, B, C) is for which bulb on the second floor.
Question: How to determine which switch is for which bulb that placed on the second floor?
However, you can go upstairs one time ONLY to the second floor and you can press those switches as many times as you like. =)
Answer will be shown after the last paragraph of this post.
Well, today I went to Holland Village to meet up with paul.
First thing, paul said to me.
"I don't get use to your "botak!" haha!
It has been a long time we last met, almost two months right? Time flew past with an amazing speed. I always used this phrase for my composition. LOL!
In the evening, I went to Jurong East Entertainment Centre. I walked for a while and watched a small young boy playing with the "toy machine",(I don't know what's the machine called) insert one dollar coin to catch the soft toy. Poor little boy, he kept trying but didn't succeed. In fact, there was a video show the tips to catch the soft toy! A television set is above the machine. haha.
My saturday was bored! So I decided to watch movie alone, just anyhow pick a movie to watch! haha. Jet Li's show, an action movie. It was to "reward" myself for getting the award. =)
Mum called me when I was enjoying the movie. HUH! alone watching?! she shouted.
Long time didn't try watching alone, used to put "watch movie alone" in my friendster profile (My interest). LOL! crap. Dinner was with my family members.
Answer: HEAT to solve this question.
1) Switch on (Switch A) for 30 minutes and then turned off.
2) Switch on (Switch B) for one minute or so only and then turned off.
3) Go up to second floor and touch any of the bulb. And by knowing which is the hottest bulb, you will know Switch A is the one that linked to it. Secondly bulb which is not hot at all, Switch C is the one that linked to it. =)
You guys got it?! cool stuff. haha!
Take care.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Jin Jing, Jimmy, Michelle, Vincent (Michelle's friend) and I met for dinner at Suntec City. We walked to an open space near Civilian War Memorial, the structure of four pillars to watch the fireworks.
Great moments! It was beautiful but good stuff doesn't last long. I stood there quietly to enjoy that moment. Treasure it! Just like good things don't always come. As I don't have digital camera to capture it and the few minutes of fireworks just by past so quickly.
I went home after the fireworks and I want to go home early to rest. Sorry about it because they actually intend to watch movie. =(
Take care.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
衛蘭 - 大哥 (Big Brother)
Enjoy this MTV, Cantonese song.
I got this song from Jimmy's blog, like this song but don't know what she is singing. After I read the lyric then I know what the song means. haha!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The next chapter
Alright, thanks to all the friends. I get to meet up with you guys before I going in tekong tomorrow.
Yesterday, I got to meet up with Leslie and thanks for the dessert! It is very refreshing aftter I ate it. At night, I met up with Yi Fatt (one of my primary school friend). We chatted for quite long because long time didn't meet up with him.
Not much freedom now but maybe I still have weekends to spend. haha!
I'm all ready, packed my bag and I had a dinner with my family. I will miss my mum's cooking. =(
Yesterday night before I sleep, I took a photo with my sister. =)

Today, actually I going to meet up with Yan wen to cut my hair and eat roasted duck leg rice. haha! But she is sick and we didn't get to meet up. 'A' level prelim coming soon.. Take care ok!
My plan was after I cut my hair, I going to meet up with paul and friends. But sorry about it, hope you enjoyed your birthday celebrations! And I ended up went to meet up with Keith at downstairs and listen to some of his advice. =)

No more styling of hair.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
My Tuesday
When is the next game? I should say when is the next meeting with all of the guys? Soccer!!! I can only treat it as my passion.
Happy Birthday to Mr Dave! 22nd Birthday. 24/07/2007
The day before his birthday I went to Jurong West Market with my mum in the evening, and I saw a 500g cake printed "SpiderMan" design at a neighbour bakery shop. haha! It was a kid's design. Damn Cute, it suit Dave! LOL
So I know what cake to buy for him! I was aiming that "SpiderMan" cake. Today before I met them (Keith, Dave and Rain) at Jurong Point, I decided to go back to the shop to buy it BUT! It was gone from the cake display cabinet.
I quickly ask the stall helper who later I know he's boss of the shop.
"Sorry, it has been sold out"
"You should reserved it or placed a new order before hand" He told me in chinese.
Yes! I made a big mistake, I should. Well, its too late I had to choose another cake. I'm late to meet them. A fruity cake and the nice boss added a small spiderman small toy with a stand on the cake. =) Great!
haha.. the funny thing was I told the boss, "Uncle, actually this cake is for a 22years old guy". LOL
He replied "its ok".
After we had our dinner at JP, we went to his house to celebrate his birthday. And also, I trying to fix his router stuff. Deep in thoughts! Still cannot solve it. Leslie told me some ways to fix it. This coming thursday if i'm free to go his house, I got to try Leslie's idea. Thanks.
Today's early afternoon, I get to meet up with Elspeth, Paul and Bessie. Sorry, I was late for 30minutes to meet Elspeth at Coffee Bean. Always late, go army die! haha.
And I signed the letter and returned all the uniform etc to Haagen's HQ. Paul accompanied me to wait for bus 106 to town. While waiting, we were chatting about our past memories. =)
And funny part, we went to the nearest exercise corner to do PULL UPS! hahaha. Paul did 9! cool..
Take care.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Congrats Kismis United!
Great news.. photos taken from http://kismisutd.blogspot.com/
Congrats Kismis guys for taking the champion in one the recent tourament held in June this year.

Ben, Eric, Ah Hao, Fiq and more.. most of them i cannot remember their name. LOL!
I like the pitch.. Carpet grass.
Thanks to http://www.technorati.com/ website. I managed to find Kismis United website. Cool!
Take care
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Thanks to Jimmy, Andy, Jin Jing and Michelle. They paid a visit to my house yesterday night. I cannot join them for dinner at IMM and I spent my "last weekends" staying at home. haha! -.-'''
Now then I found that I haven't buy shampoo to use for BMT period. What other things I miss out?!
Lay your hands by Simon Webbe! Nice song. =)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Thanks! my friends
I still remember my first day working at haagen daz's holland village was 2nd August 2006. And it was the day I started to know Holland Village better when time past.
From make friends with colleagues to learning how to do creations, take away. I enjoyed very much and actually my favourite task was to do whipped cream.
haha! Maybe because I like to eat whipped cream LOL! Well, it was quite challenging to do it, you want the whipped cream to be thickened is depend on how fast and long to blend the heavy cream milk.
Last sunday, I remain slient for a while during work, quite an emotional day haha!. Most likely it will be a full stop in my service line career but will never forget my workplace and of course my colleagues.
Leslie! We managed to do some throwing of ice cream before Zarina caught us. haha.. thanks for all your help the past 4years in Swensen's and Haagen. We went through many up and down together. There were many mistunderstanding between us. Time will heal our problem. Yes, it getting better right. =) Sorry about the days, I created many trouble for you.
Ok, change topic.
Two photos took by paul. =) Thanks.

While waiting for Bessie, we played some daytona! haha. Edmund was fast, I was lucky. =)

Joseph came and joined us for a drink. Cool! Great fun.

The night is still young. Bessie, Paul, Ende and Joseph went home first. The rest of us went to 2nd floor carpark to "test drive" the manual car.
Friday, July 13, 2007
I reached the shop, there were only three staff. Athena, Nick and Priscilla. But after 3pm, a "group" of people came to work. haha! As many as 4 staff.
From 1pm to 3pm, Santa kept asking me to do this, do that example suddenly tell me to clean the waffle machine after she had made a mess! then.. haiz
Santa asked me to leave early. -.-''' Because there is enough staff already. I don't know what she wants! Anyway, I was tired so I left the shop at about 4plus.
Family were already outside for dinner because they thought I will be working till 6pm. haha! No choice, lazy to buy so cooked instant noodles.
Sunday working! ok, last day at haagen. haha!
Take care.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Many random stuff in my mind now, how to start?
I was kidding with one of my friend just now online. I guess those lame words I said was made no sense. Yes, of course "lame words" means talking rubbish.
And he said to me "grow up la" For now on, I better don't say rubbish stuff (crappy jokes). And I will always easily affected by people's comments (sensitive). But anyway, I agreed what he said, so many times said its time to grow up but still! He is one of my nice friend and I'm not angry with him anyway. =)
In the past when I was in secondary school, my classmate talk something bad about my parents and because of this small minor stuff, I had a brawl with him. In fact, I was a councillor at that time and guess a team leader can do this kind of stupid act at class?!
What a sensitive person! haiz.
Change topic
I was almost late this morning because when it was already 5.30am, I continued to sleep and off the alarm clock. Well, today at the drink's canteen, it was quite busy during early afternoon. An uncle in his early seventies came to buy Teh O (Tea without milk), I did the tea and it was too thick and hot! Oops. LOL! He came back and asked for a few cubes ice. Helping my aunt has great fun and listen to army's guy stories. I met some new friends at there, Well some
soldiers looks healthy like normal people but actually they have intenal injury. And they posted to service side.
I getting a new black spectacles soon! on thursday. 90bucks is reasonable to me but the spect's frame is made of metal not plastic! That's it. If I have outfield during army days, got be more careful. Choose metal because it is nicer, to be honest! go army soon still vain.
Kyaw Min really came down to Holland Close for Soccer matches! thanks alot.
He came all the way from TP after his classes. (Hafiz is different, he got his own transport, so he got no excuses that he cannot make it. LOL!) He wanted to stay at his school for soccer but I kept calling him to come for regular tuesday's soccer instead. haha! I refused to put down the phone till he agreed to join. I'm so demanding right, now I know I'm also possessive to boys too! haha. -.-'''
A bit gay! Because I bought him cheese bread and he bought me 100plus. haha.
Yes, today's soccer attendance is good. Edmund, Paul, Leslie, Mark, Hafiz, Kyaw Min and me. Surprised that the light still on after 9pm! Rong said "already 9.10pm" And I still running like crazy fellow, chasing for the ball.
Paul's recommendation for late dinner. Edmund drove us there. I think the food is nice even though I didn't try. Because I got to stop eating heaty food for a while. Left and right turns make a big difference. haha!
Next Topic
To me, I feel that our working journey is just like "bus transportation".
Some people may alight few stops earlier than others. Which means some of the colleagues may quit their job before his/her friends in the same company.
Whereas some people may continue their journey to the bus terminal (last stop), which means long service staff like Timothy, Yani. They worked hard in haagen. Respect their full time job.
Yes, I'm alighting my bus stop soon. And I'm taking another bus called "army life".
Ok, don't mind me. i'm too bored.
Which days cannot work in my last week at haagen?!
Friday, friends outing.
Saturday, family outing.
Next week, I got to find time to return those clothes.
I really hope next week's tuesday outing is successfully. Sometimes it may not goes as plan. Its good to have surprises! haha. If tuesday some of them not free, change date. I don't mind. =)
Take care.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
I was quite tired but I still want to watch tv. haha! Don't know Eric Clapton will perform?
Tomorrow's KJ soccer on?! I don't know. Today's morning soccer was cancelled due to raining. Hopefully Ben and Kenneth can make it next time.
Yan Wen scared of ice cream. haha! I wanted to buy her a pint of ice cream again before i quitted haagen. Just treat as it a "farewell" meeting before i go army.
I still remember last time when I quitted Swensen's, I bought her a cup of milk shake. Don't know why I like to buy ice cream for her. haha! And I like forcing her to accept it. No wonder, pei shan said I'm possessive to girls! YES I admit! Force people to accept the presents. Acting to be Mr Nice guy.
Just now was at suntec city with Dave, Rain and Keith. Had buffet again and I enjoyed too much, I should start to save money for this month. =(
Dave kept asking me to KNOCK IT DOWN in front of the public. haha!
He asked me to play a tourament match tomorrow at Fuhua Secondary School's field. My soccer gears is with him. His team short of Left midfielder!
"I can just go in and play meh?!" I thought I need some registration to play the tourament? But he said no need "because you played with us before". -.-'''
I want No14 JERSEY!!! =)
Maybe I don't go because I want to play with KJ and friends at street soccer court. More fun!
Before I went to town, I was at beach road with Jimmy and Andy. They bought extra army stuff. So fast, this weekend is ending soon. They going in tekong "Left Right Left Right" this sunday at 2000 hours.
Andy can do 7 pull ups easily. Jimmy can do 12 pull ups! Incredible =) Respect you guys.
Next week I will go back to haagen. For my last week working at HOLLAND VILLAGE. Cut off pay on 15th of the month right?! Maybe more afternoon shift? slacker haha. Or work like a "buffalo" for the last week? Let me end my service career properly, with no mistakes. No more black waffles, no more serve ice cream's creation without using tray, no more cleaning the table with just using serviette etc. haha!
LIVE EARTH concert! once in a lifetime. Enjoy!
Why today so many maybe?!
Take care.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Your choice, My choice
Friday, Kyaw Min and I went to Vivo City. It has been a long time since we last met. 3 years ago, I wanted to meet him before my first year poly's semester starts but both of us were too busy with our part time job. He was one of the best left defender in my secondary school and he was my Vice captain! He might join the soccer game on tuesday's evening! yes..finally! because so long I didn't have a chance to play with him. A beautiful game. =)
At Vivo City, first stop was Baleno shop. We walked for almost one hour plus and decided to find a place to eat our late lunch. Very hungry! haha.

Thursday, July 05, 2007
Auntie told me 8am to reach the canteen. Well everyday, I reached the camp earlier at 7.30am. Today was a different story, I was almost late because I overslept and missed one station. And I don't know why I cannot sleep well yesterday's night.
Along the way to the camp, I saw the stray dog again and it befriend with me. It quietly sit there when I walked passed the open space and I gave it a small packet of biscuits. It brightened my day. =)
By the way, Soccer helped me in some way, my left leg recovered from cramp. haha!
Afternoon, my aunt went to storeroom to have a nap. As usual, I ran the stall. A regular customer came to buy sandwich.
Arr..1 chicken sandwich. The army guy said.
What am I suppose to do? haha! I cannot wake up my aunt right and do the sandwich. So I tried to do it myself. LOL!
Err.. why it is an extra bread? the army guy asked.
Oh! Err.. That is the extra butter bread. haha! actually, I did wrongly because the Chicken Sandwich should have two bread instead of three.
Furthermore, I did some other sandwiches like chicken + egg. Quite busy if plus doing hot drinks.
Next monday then I going to help my aunt again. Should ask my brother to help because aunt said brother better. Wasted, he is not free because he's serving the nation now.
Met up with paul after my work, we went window shopping at Ang Mo Kio's shopping mall and had a dinner at there too. Not bad to see paul wore long sleeve shirt and carried an art file. Cool! =)
Orchard Mrt Station's Popular bookstore got 20% discount. Quick..
Take care.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Soon, you will think of it..
Yes, I saw the stray dog again. haha! This time, it didn't follow me because busy searching for food.
My aunt allowed me to go home early because I told her I going to play soccer at 6.30pm. Good at least I can take a rest at home before going to Holland Village.
haha! I saw paul at the mrt station platform when I was on my way home at Yio Chu Kang. He was heading to Outram Park for his dental check up. And they didn't take the same train, one towards Central and one towards West.
Soccer Time...
Both Paul and Leslie had a bad fall. Both fall because of the football, not much air. And they stepped onto the ball. Quite serious and it reminds me the past. Paul was like flying towards the wall. Take good care, pump MORE air. haha!
Kelvin cut his hair BOTAK! Because both of his friends going to army soon, so he accompanied them to cut. Not really botak i think, center part hair is longer.
Mark came at about 7.30pm and joined us.
No lights again, and it will caused more injury if we don't stop. Anyway, only 5 players. 3 ON 2! very tired. Next week more players i hope. =)
Some stuff to remember...Lost and Found.
Ende, Your socks is still with me. He borrowed me during blading.
Michelle, your cap is still with me since the day we went to Ubin! haha. Don't worry, I washed it long ago.
Shin Min, I haven't return your long apron. Nadira asked me to pass to you.
Tomorrow 3pm meeting paul! finally. LOL! Ang Mo Kio shopping mall here i come.
More friends outing coming soon, treat like a "farewell" before my army days start. Three weeks more.. fast!
Saturday, rain asked me to join them for a buffet at her workplace. Worth to try she said. haha! Again? 2 couples + a guy walking together. LOL! Ok, more outings I will get used to it.
Take care.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Fast Weekend
They telling me jokes and ghost stories in their platoon. haha!
Oh yes, I chatted with Jeremy on the phone quite long last friday. And it was also army's stories. haha! His story was quite simple because he had Chickenpox on his 2nd day of enlistment. -.-''' He came back and stayed at home for 2 weeks. Good or Bad news?! Well, he is Dragon's Company and heard that most of his section did guard duties already.
On Saturday, I woke up late and missed the breakfast meal with paul, leslie, edmund and rong. Sorry about it.
During early afternoon time, I told my sister to go jurong point with my brother and I to choose her present. Actually, it was our first time that three of us went out together. haha! Most of the time was my mother brought her out.
After we went to jurong point, we headed down to The Heeren. I was quite a bad brother because I didn't bring her go walk walk before in the town. And it was her first time to Heeren. They helped to find a suitable wallet for me at Fossil's shop (offer 48bucks) but all the design don't suit me.
When we walked past the neoprint shop, my sister want to take it. haha! I almost forgot that I had promised her to take neoprint together.

Maybe I got chance to see the stray dog?! It always resting at an open space near the camp.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Surprised.. YES!
Seng Kang secondary school's track & field students looked at me. They might be thinking WHAT THE HELL?! what is this guy doing at the track? haha. Barefooted guy was warming up at the start line.
In the morning when I was on the train to Yio Chu Kang, I looked inside my bag and I found out that I didn't bring my "soccer shoes" along for work. -.-'''
Every morning when I reached the camp's canteen I ate 2 half boiled eggs, ham + chicken floss sandwich, hot tea and a cup of water! haha. It helps me to gain more weight if I continue?!
By the way, I disturbed paul this morning as he was still sleeping. haha! I wanted to meet him to go Yio Chu Kang together but his class started late and ended early. LOL! yes, he was already at home when I was about to go the stadium. Nobody can time for me and I just leave my bag at the grandstand and took out my handphone! haha. Lucky that my FREE handphone still got a function --> Stopwatch.
When I was running for the last 3 laps, a track & field's coach looked at me. haha! Oh I remembered him and shouted YUAN CHING!!! when I bypassed him, he smiled at me. Oops! My act had embarrassed Yuan Ching Secondary School plus I was barefooted! haha. He was one of my PE relieved teacher in my secondary school, What a small world! I had a chat with him after the run.
Jimmy and Andy are back from Tekong. Tonight supper at Malay stall?
Tomorrow is sister's birthday. Same day as Leslie's dad. =) Happy Birthday in advance.
Take care.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Breakfast madness
But anyway 27 june 2007 is my last official working day at haagen?! I think I left a lot of "stuff" behind. I don't feel like leaving. What a quiet farewell I had in haagen.
Afternoon, there is a woman came to order cake for his son's 21st birthday. I filled in all the details on the cake order form. Like delivery charge etc, but on the date to collect I wrote YEAR 2006 instead of 2007! haha. The woman said "You still dreaming ar" I was too careless or I'm still day dreaming all along?!
Anyway, I got to go out soon. 5am plus take mrt, I have to reach Yio Chu Kang army camp as soon as possible. Breakfast madness! it is not like those McDonald's breakfast. haha!
I have to shout "HALF BOILED EGG" is ready! Army guys will come forward to collect it. Or those major or officer, I got to provide customer service and serve it to them.
Have to make sandwich too. Chicken, Fish, Egg, Cheese Sandwiches.
Homemade Chrysanthemum Tea cost just 70cents (The cup size like sugar cane jug sold in market). Worth it right!
Take care.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Searching for those perfect answer
Supper was all "Mircowave food" haha! We cannot always eat right. Raining night! And everyone should just stay home and have a good rest but teamwork plays apart. Everyone was seriously do cleaning for the 2 hours plus. I quickly find a warm place to hide, that is the storeroom. haha!
Uncle David the best man, he waited for us outside the shop.
During work time, suddenly it was very crowded. Surprised that Monday's night was busy. Someone's using chocolate pen to write birthday wording is good! haha! It reminds me last time, die die must learn to write using chocolate pen but still cannot make it.
Last weekends, I went to blade with Paul, Ende and Edmund. It was quite fun actually and first time I went to Farrer Road's blade store. The shop helper will meet me at Tekong soon, he said.
Finally, I got the chance to see Island Creamy Headquarter's shop at Serene Centre. Paul always mentioned to me about that ice cream shop but that day I didn't went to try the scoop of ice cream for 2.50bucks.
Edmund sent us back to Holland Village. Paul, Ende and I went for in IT mini at the neigbourhood place. I saw Casio's brand camera?! Watch's brand isn't it? Interesting, i guessed it is due to competitive market. Ende walked me to the bus stop and he told me about his exciting trip to malaysia.
My "six sense" told me to call back home when I was on the way home. I was thinking I can buy some food back and at the same time I can shop around Jurong East Entertainment. It was a Saturday haha! Go home too early is a bit weird. =)
Well, I thought everyone was at my cousin's house warming (BBQ). However when I called, my dad was still at home. He was about to leave the house to the BBQ party. My brother and dad asked me to go along.
And I decided to drop at the nearest bus stop at AYE expressway and cross the bridge to wait for them. When I reached there, I met a lot of my cousins and very long time didn't meet up. They are older than me at least 20 years. haha! All are working adults. I just realized that two of my cousins were working in IT field. haha! It was a meaningful gathering. Indeed, they gave me good advices. =)
Afternoon roller blade, at night mother's family side gathering. So cool!
Sunday before I going to work, I went to Keith's house. His mum likes to joke with me. The jokes was so funny. LOL!
I will be a drink stall helper soon. Free labour haha!
Take care.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Here in my heart
Bro...See u around 12.45pm (9.23am sms)
Bro...Still slping ah? (10.57am sms)
Bro...Wakey up...I leaving office liao... (11.57am sms)
U want 2 meet me at ur place downstairs then walk over 2 my place? (12pm sms)
I reach Chinese garden i will sms u...(12.04pm sms)
reached (12.48pm sms)
All my reply was okok. haha!
He took half day leave because I went to his house in the afternoon to reformat his computer. While we were waiting for his 100GB size of the files to backup to another portable hard disk, we watched movies from SCV channels (by the way heard that SCV subscription price has increased), cooked "3minutes" noodles, looked at primary school's photos. haha! This is the things we did when two guys inside a house slacking for 4 hours in the afternoon.
I watched him play Resident Evil 4 on play station.
I believed it will be more scary to play at night. Zombie here and there.
Joke of the day!
You guys can laugh out loud! Even I laughed at myself in those primary 4's photos! haha. I was surprised when Keith let me see the photo album. =)
I think I still remember I was 10 years old that time, botak. Teacher bought us for excursion to church, temple etc. I looked really nerd and I was in Fuhua Primary School.

Luckily, he helped to buy the tickets already. I thought the story was about S.W.A.P unit (action movie) but it was not. The show was quite nice, some touching moments.
Take care.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
What a day?!
I also used the same way when I was in secondary school. haha!
She had planned what I should give for her birthday. haha! So demanding. We were chatting about TCS's celebrities. Who is my favourite short hair celebrity? Yes, My vote goes to Joanne Peh.

This afternoon from 12pm to 3pm, the 3 hours I was "staring" at the SIM's website.
A Managment course from Uni of Manchester. I got to complete my third year course at Manchester. I can fulfill my own wish to go there after my army, sounds interesting for me. But my english?! haha. Fat hope. That could be my dream only.
Edmund message came, Play soccer! haha. I called paul to confirm the time. Yes, we met up for soccer at 4pm plus.
What a day?!
1st: I took bus to the paul's house but I paid two times! Ezlink Card plus coins. -.-'''
2nd: Before going to paul's house, I accidentally stepped on a watery bottle cap (Looked disgusting) and it was JUST outside the street soccer court. Not my day?!
Together with Joshua, paul's cousin, We the four guys "conquered" the first few matches. haha! Edmund's physical condition was not 100% and he suggested that we just enjoy the games and play relax mood. Actually, we decided to go for a jog when we saw the group of outsiders. Edmund's comment, we shouldn't come to play on wednesday.
3rd: The way our opponent played were very "dirty"! Ok, I tolerate. They were shouting like mad dogs for no reasons. I stayed cool and we continued to play.
I was supposed to meet Keith, 6pm at City Hall. Paul even told me, its 5.30pm now. I should listen to it and leave the place but I decided to play for the last match. Well, the last match wasn't nice.
There were drama here and there. I started the argument because I got a hard tackled from the same guy again. Small kids after all, I should just go off.
Edmund's said again never come on wednesday. LOL!
Well, of course I will be late to meet keith. Thanks to Edmund, he dropped me at the nearest mrt station.
Keith and I went to Sim Lim square for dinner and hunt for hard disk. And we went to his favourite cafe, Star bucks for a chat. I almost trip and fall along the streets, Keith to the rescue! haha.
So many things happened today.
Take care.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Say it isn't so?
Soccer was fun, girls started to play SOCCER! haha. I like to see girls wearing jersey. Ok, fine I think too much.
AS usual, I was eager to score goals but defence was weak. And I was frustrated, i play defence or attack?!
We tried shuttle run after paul's football went gone case. I don't know why I cannot break! haha. Hit on the wall and my right leg's knee is swollen now. But actually last night, when I was "showing off" jumping the fence it was already swollen?! I think. Now made it worst! haha.
Anyway, that was ok. Guys often has bruise easily when someone is ego.
Keith is sharing a portable harddisk with me. 120GB! I got 80 GB myself so total, I got 140GB to store my stuff. COOL! IT students often got their portable harddisk during the first year of school but I got it after 3 years in poly. haha! Weird.
Take care.
Attendance: Leslie, Paul, Mark, Mark(Friends) and I.
No Kelvin, Edmund, Ende. -.-'''
Later going to work from 12am to 4am! haha. Sounds interesting. I just want to accompany Khalish. LOL!
Take care.